Join Student Minds' growing network of student advocates! Be part of our Student Community
We believe that the best way to understand the student experience is by working with you - students and sabbatical officers. As a part of Student Minds' Student Community, you will be invited to get involved in our work and support us in a variety of ways, including:
All we ask is that you share our passion for supporting and improving student mental health. As a member of Student Minds' Student Community, you will join student peers from across the UK in driving forward change in student mental health. We’re committed to ensuring that students are at the heart of what we do, and we can’t wait to work with you!
As part of the Community, you will receive updates from us every 2 months, and we may also share some time-sensitive opportunities in between. You can engage as much or as little as you like, based on your interests and flexibility.
- campaigning and influencing national policy,
- participating in research and completing surveys,
- offering feedback on our work and what you’d like to see,
- advocating for student mental health at your own university,
- engaging in paid and voluntary opportunities
All we ask is that you share our passion for supporting and improving student mental health. As a member of Student Minds' Student Community, you will join student peers from across the UK in driving forward change in student mental health. We’re committed to ensuring that students are at the heart of what we do, and we can’t wait to work with you!
As part of the Community, you will receive updates from us every 2 months, and we may also share some time-sensitive opportunities in between. You can engage as much or as little as you like, based on your interests and flexibility.
If you would like to know more about Student Minds, you can find out more on our website and in our 10-year strategy. If you have any questions or queries, please contact [email protected]. |